Boat Float, Euro Car Show, Weird Al, Church At The Zoo
Get out on the open water, view some classic rides, try to out run a cop, and worship with the animals. That doesn't even begin to describe what you can do this weekend around Billings.
Let's run down a few things to make the most of your Magic City weekend:
Boat Float (Friday 8/23)
Yellowstone River Parks Association will host a picnic to celebrate the grand opening of The Amanda White Homestead Park and the Blue Creek Fishing Access site on Friday beginning at 5pm. Stay and enjoy the park or bring your sturdy boat and join the ceremonial launch at 6pm, with a Friday Night Float to follow sponsored by Uber Brew. CLICK HERE to get more info.
All Euro Car Show (Saturday 8/24)
Porsche Club of America hosts the 12th All Euro Car show in Veterans Park on Saturday. Registration begins at 9am, show runs from 10am to 3pm along with an ice cream social. Awards announced at 2:30pm. To get more about the car show, CLICK HERE.
Free Soccer Park Program (Saturday 8/24)
Billings United Soccer Club will offer free soccer balls, games, and other activities this Saturday at Pioneer Park and North Park from 10am to 12noon. Castle Rock Park and Rimrock West Park will have the event from 2pm to 4pm. CLICK HERE for more about this event.
Billings Clinic Classic (Saturday 8/24)
One of America's best party bands, Alter Ego, will headline the 2019 Billings Clinic Classic on Saturday evening. The urban-themed party on Broadway will begin at 6pm with delicious food, refreshments, raflle, and silent auction. For tickets and more info, CLICK HERE.
Beat The Heat 5K (Saturday 8/24)
Have fun trying to out run the police beginning at 5:30pm on Saturday at the 5th annual Beat The Heat 5K held near Casino 8 (3178 Gabel Road). There's an after party featuring two live bands, food, drinks and more. CLICK HERE to find out more.
2nd Annual "UN" Run (Saturday 8/24)
An event to promote anti-bullying awareness, the "UN" Run at Ben Steele Middle School is a 3 lap run or walk that highlights fun with a goal to create “Unity in the Community” while calling out bullying. Find out more by CLICKING HERE.
Church At The Zoo (Sunday 8/25)
Bring the family out for a free day at the Zoo that starts with coffee and donuts at 10am. Worship and teaching will start at 11am with lunch and free access to ZooMontana following the service presented by Faith E Church. To get more details, CLICK HERE.
Bags, Brews & BBQ (Sunday 8/25)
American Legion Post 4, 1540 Broadwater Avenue, will host a cornhole tournament fundraiser for Montana Veterans Meat Locker. Registration begins at noon for this double elimination tournament. CLICK HERE to find out more.
Weird Al Yankovic (Sunday 8/25)
The biggest-selling comedy recording artist of all time is coming to MetraPark on Sunday night at 7:30pm. Weird Al Yankovic brings his "Strings Attached" Tour featuring all his classics including "Eat It,” “Smells Like Nirvana,” "I Love Rocky Road" and more backed by a full symphony orchestra. CLICK HERE for ticket info. Get ready for the show with the movie UHF, starring Weird Al. Art House Cinema will have one screening on Saturday (8/24) at 10:30pm.
What's else is coming up? CLICK HERE to get our free Summer Guide.
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