A teenage boy was arrested by Billings Police early this morning (Sunday) following a shooting in a northside neighborhood.

According to the social media post on @BillingsPD, officers responded to a reported shooting at 3:44 am Sunday (8/21) in the 2100 block of Burnstead Drive.

When BPD officers arrived on the scene, they located an apartment that had "several bullet holes in it." The Rimrock Apartments are located in the 2100 block of Burnstead Drive, but there's been no confirmation this is where bullet holes were discovered.

Credit: Google
Credit: Google

Following an investigation into the incident, Billings Police arrested a 13-year-old male and charged him with assault with a weapon, and criminal endangerment.

Billings Police Sargeant Schnelbach said via Twitter that the teen was "remanded into YSC," but no further details about the shooting were available at the time this story was published.

This article will be updated if more information about this incident is released by the Billings Police Department.

This was the second reported shooting in the city of Billings in less than 8 hours.

Just before 8 pm on Saturday night (8/20), Billings Police believe a road rage incident led to one man being shot in downtown near the YWCA.

According to the @BillingsPD Twitter page, two men in two separate vehicles were involved in the shooting at 4th Avenue North and N. 32nd Street.

Read More: Road Rage in Billings Leads to Man Being Shot Near Downtown

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