Billings Capital Improvement Plan Presented on Tuesday (10/20)
According to the City of Billings, the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) is a "a five-year program that identifies needs for construction of capital projects or improvements to the City’s infrastructure."
On Tuesday (10/20), the public will have its first opportunity to see a presentation of the city's proposed plan for the 2022-2026 fiscal year, and because of COVID-19 it will be virtual.
The first of two planned Online Public Presentations will be held at 12 noon MDT this Tuesday, October 20. The second will be at 5:30 pm MDT on Wednesday, October 21, with archived recording available following the presentations on the City of Billings Facebook page.
According to the City of Billings website, examples of Capital Improvement Projects are street reconstruction, new fire station, or playground replacement at a park. CIP's are not street pothole repair, or additional police patrol.
To view the current 2021-2025 fiscal year Capital Improvement Plan, CLICK HERE
To see the proposed 2022-2026 fiscal year Capital Improvement Plan, CLICK HERE.
Following the Online Public Presentations on October 20 and 21, there will be a Council Work Session on November 16, and Public Hearing and Council Action on the Community Improvement Plan on December 14.
To join the online conversation about the CIP on Tuesday, October 20 at 12 noon MDT, CLICK HERE.
To join the online conversation about the CIP on Wednesday, October 21 at 5:30pm MDT, CLICK HERE.
A capital project is a project that costs $25,000 or more and results in a permanent addition to the City’s asset through the acquisition of property, new construction, or rehabilitation of an existing facility to a like-new condition.
For a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Request Form, CLICK HERE.
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