Attorney General Tim Fox, along with a Georgia non-profit organization called Street Grace, and the Montana Broadcasters Association, announced an important child sex trafficking awareness public service announcement campaign starting today called, “Demand an End.”

Spokesperson Anastasia Burton said the PSA specifically deals with unmasking the customers of child sex trafficking.

“It gets across the point that customers of child sex trafficking are unfortunately even here in Montana,” said Burton. “We want those people to know that we are aware that they are here and we will be doing our best to find out what they’re up to and arrest them.”

Burton said the public service message has begun running on TV stations throughout the state thanks to their partnership with the Montana Broadcasters Association.

“The campaign is running free of charge and we couldn’t have done this without them,” she said. “If your listeners would like to watch it now, they can just Google our You Tube channel for the Montana Department of Justice. It’s a 60 second PSA that’s beautifully done, very striking and memorable. It is our intent to get people’s attention and let them know what to do if they suspect child sex trafficking in their area."

To report suspected human trafficking cases or to request help, call local law enforcement or 1-888-3737-888 or text BeFree (233733).



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